Free Download Competition Law and Big Data Imposing Access to Information in Digital Markets New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics Ebook, PDF Epub
Description Competition Law and Big Data Imposing Access to Information in Digital Markets New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics.
Competition Law and Big Data - Edward Elgar Publishing ~ Compelling and insightful, this book will prove an important companion for students and scholars studying digital markets, as well as competition law more widely. It will also appeal to practitioners working on cases involving the regulation and usage of big data.
Competition Law and Big Data ~ New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics series Beata MÀihÀniemi In this timely book, Beata MÀihÀniemi analyses and evaluates how the characteristics of information as a good, as well as the characteristics of digital platforms, affect the application of competition law in both theory and practice.
Competition Law and Big Data: Imposing Access to ~ title = "Competition Law and Big Data: Imposing Access to Information in Digital Markets", abstract = "The book analyses and evaluates how the characteristics of information as a good,as well as the characteristics of digital platforms, affect the application of competition law in both theory and practice.",
Abbreviations : Competition Law and Big Data ~ New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics series Beata MÀihÀniemi In this timely book, Beata MÀihÀniemi analyses and evaluates how the characteristics of information as a good, as well as the characteristics of digital platforms, affect the application of competition law in both theory and practice.
LAW - Edward Elgar Publishing ~ Competition Law and Big Data Imposing Access to Information in Digital Markets Beata MÀihÀniemi, University of Helsinki, Finland Beata MÀihÀniemi analyses and evaluates how the characteristics of information as a good, as well as the characteristics of digital platforms, affect the application of competition law in both theory and practice .
Digital Markets, Data, and Privacy: Competition Law ~ The digitalisation of the economy with data as the new critical resource is a technological revolution which requires an adaptation of the legal framework for markets and the economy. This paper analyzes the privacy concerns in the digital economy from an economics perspective.
(PDF) Big Data and Competition Policy - ResearchGate ~ Big Data and Competition Policy is the first work to offer a detailed description of the important new issue of Big Data and explains how it relates to competition laws and policy, both in the EU .
Competition law and big data: big problems? / Maverick Lawyers ~ Big data is a hot topic, also for competition authorities. In 2016, it became clear that competition authorities were trying to get a grip on how to deal with big data. Interestingly, there still appear to be more questions than answers. We list the main developments of 2016 and look forward to 2017. Cartel prohibition and big data
Big data: Bringing competition policy to the digital era ~ Research and policy advice on competition including monopolisation, cartels, mergers, liberalisation, intervention, competition enforcement and regulatory reform., In November 2016, the OECD held a hearing discussion on Big Data to explore the implications on competition authorities' work and whether competition law is the appropriate tool for dealing with issues arising from the use Big Data.
Competition Law and Data - Bundeskartellamt ~ However, so far, the current discussion concerning data and competition law focuses mostly on so-called personal data. 8 Such personal data are subject to special data protection rules, which limit the gathering, processing and usage of such data in
Digital markets, data, and privacy: competition law ~ An integrated competition and consumer law strategy can also include the use of typical consumer policy solutions in competition law remedies, eg minimum options for privacy (by offering users a paid service with minimised collection and retention of personal data), proportionate limits on the retention of customer data, or ensuring data .
Introduction : Competition Law and Big Data ~ This chapter introduces the bookâs research question of when, and under which conditions, access to information can be granted under EU competition law. It does so by pointing out the important changes that occurred in society in relation to an increased dependence on information and how it affect the economy. It also stresses that the âconventionalâ analysis of abuses of dominance .
Big Data: Emerging Concerns under Competition Law ~ [2] See OECD, Big Data: Bringing Competition Policy to the Digital Era, November 2016, Pages 8 and 10. [3] See OECD, Big Data: Bringing Competition Policy to the Digital Era, November 2016, Page 8. [4] See Autorité de la concurrence and Bunderkartellamt, Competition Law and Data, May 2016, Pages 12-13.
Dominance of online platforms : Competition Law and Big Data ~ Competition Law and Big Data Imposing Access to Information in Digital Markets. New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics series Beata MÀihÀniemi. In this timely book, Beata MÀihÀniemi analyses and evaluates how the characteristics of information as a good, as well as the characteristics of digital platforms, affect the application of .
Competition Law and Big Data: Imposing Access to ~ Competition Law and Big Data: Imposing Access to Information in Digital Markets (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics) [Beata MÀihÀniemi] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Competition Law and Big Data: Imposing Access to Information in Digital Markets (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics)
Lexpert Âź / Big Data and Competition Law ~ BIG DATA HAS LED to big predictions in the area of competition law. Coupled with algorithms used in big data analytics, big data is predicted to fundamentally change the competitive landscape within which firms price and customize products and services, and predict market trends.
Big data and competition law - Case Study - India Business ~ However, the regulation of big data through competition law enforcement has also become an important objective. Big data and merger review: Big data concerns are important in merger cases involving data related markets. Mergers can lead to differentiated access and increased concentration of data if the transaction creates an entity holding a .
Big Data & Issues & Opportunities: Competition ~ In this fourteenth article in our series on "Big Data & Issues & Opportunities" (see our previous article here), we will focus on the impact of big data on different aspects of EU competition law and seek to create more clarity on when and how the ownership or (mis)use of (big) data can give rise to competition law issues.Specific illustrations in the transport sector will be provided.
The rise of Big Data - Intersection between Competition ~ Competition law assessment. At its simplest, data is simply a product and the same competition law analysis can be applied to it as is applied to any other product. Services founded on data can be analysed in the same way under competition law as any other service. The difficulty is that data is not finite in the same way as most products.
Is big data a big deal? A competition law approach to big data ~ A competition law approach to big data, European Competition Journal, 13:2-3, 199-227, DOI: . âBig Data, Big Impact: New Possibilities for International Developmentâ . calls to regulate access to data and take extreme care to avoid false posi-tives. And mostimportantly, they should resistthetemptation toengineer
Big Data in the EU Competition Law by Linda HolkovĂĄ ~ Abstract. Whether data can lead to market power is currently the subject of numerous academic debates. Some are in favour of strict competition in regulation of collection and use of data, and others consider competition inappropriate for regulation of data processing and call for solutions based on personal data protection regulations or consumer protection regulations.
Digital markets: recent competition law developments in ~ In recent years, the debate over antitrust enforcement in digital markets has intensified. Hefty fines levied on Google by the European Commission (EC) and multiple European probes into âbig techâ companies, including Google, , Facebook and Apple, have spurred a lively debate with regard to whether current competition law tools are appropriate for these markets.
Competition in Digital Markets / Barcelona Graduate School ~ Course overview. The digital sector has become pervasive in our economies, and has transformed our lives in many (mostly positive) respects. But there are increasing concerns that competition in digital markets does not work properly, leading to the creation of dominant platforms with persistent market power. This in in turn may make it difficult for rivals to challenge the position of the .
A New Competition Framework for the Digital Economy ~ The Commission âCompetition Law 4.0â was set up by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy in Sep-tember 2018, and tasked with drawing up recommendations for action for the further development of EU competition law in the light of the digital economy. The new data economy, the rise of platform-based business models and the
Global competition regulation in digital markets: Five ~ According to the 2016 joint Competition Law and Data report by the French Competition Authority and the German Federal Cartel Office27, these requirements would only be met if it can be .