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Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i

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Book Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i PDF ePub

Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i: Schroeder, Kevin ~ Topics include debugging, test-driven development, web-based development, advanced object-oriented programming, and web security, and the book also takes an in-depth look at the new PHP Toolkit for IBM i provided by Zend Technologies.

Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i, Schroeder, Kevin, eBook ~ Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i - Kindle edition by Schroeder, Kevin. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i.

Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i - MC Press Bookstore ~ Working through many of the concepts and skills needed by intermediate and advanced PHP developers, this book is designed to help good PHP developers become indispensable ones. In it, Kevin Schroeder--co-author of the popular IBM i Programmer's Guide to PHP--moves beyond the basics to help you master essential PHP topics such as debugging, test-driven development, web-based development .

Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i (eBook, 2014) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i. [Kevin Schroeder] -- Working through many of the concepts and skills needed by intermediate and advanced PHP developers, this book is specifically designed to help good PHP developers become indispensable ones. Topics .

The IBM i Programmer's Guide to PHP second edition ~ Yep! PHP is still making strides on the IBM i and people are loving it. But with the world’s premier book for PHP on the i Series developer now several years old it is time to update it. So Jeff Olen and I have decided to start work on a second edition.

Book Review: Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i / Web ~ A new book by Kevin Schroeder, Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i, offers IBM i developers professional development techniques to keep pace with the needs of today's growing applications. My first exposure to Kevin's latest book was an excerpt on MC Press Online: "Test-driven PHP Development."

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Advanced PHP - Lagout ~ Advanced PHP Programming Sams Publishing,800 East 96th Street,Indianapolis,Indiana 46240 USA DEVELOPER’S LIBRARY A practical guide to developing large-scale Web sites and applications with PHP 5 George Schlossnagle

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The IBM i Programmer's Guide to PHP - MC Press Bookstore ~ This is the first book to comprehensively address the PHP programming language and how it can--and should--be deployed on IBM i. With this IBM i-specific point of view, the authors examine how to transfer skills from a green-screen environment to the Web, become intimately familiar with PHP's commonly used features, and help start down the road of highly interactive Web-based application .

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