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Description Friending the Past The Sense of History in the Digital Age.
Friending the Past: The Sense of History in the Digital ~ Friending the Past: The Sense of History in the Digital Age [Alan Liu] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Can today’s society, increasingly captivated by a constant flow of information, share a sense of history? How did our media-making forebears balance the tension between the present and the absent
Friending the Past: The Sense of History in the Digital ~ “Friending the Past is the culmination of decades of research and thinking about our relation to the past and our own histories in an age when presentism is, well, all too present. With a magisterial reach going from oral cultures through to Web 2.0 and beyond, Liu interrogates such key ideas as narratives of media change, the multiplicity of .
Friending the Past: The Sense of History in the Digital Age ~ This book has been about how the digital present might have a love—and a philosophy—of history. Let me end with the assertion that the digital networked age does have a sense of history, and that this sense can be friends with past senses of history.
Friending the past : the sense of history in the digital age ~ Get this from a library! Friending the past : the sense of history in the digital age. [Alan Liu] -- Can today’s society, increasingly captivated by a constant flow of information, share a sense of history? How did our media-making forebears balance the tension between the present and the absent, .
Read Friending the Past Online by Alan Liu / Books ~ Save for Later Save Friending the Past: The Sense of History in the Digital Age For Later. Create a List. Download to App. Share. Book Information Friending the Past: The Sense of History in the Digital Age. By Alan Liu. Length: 618 pages 7 hours. Description.
History in the Digital Age - Google Books ~ The digital age is affecting all aspects of historical study, but much of the existing literature about history in the digital age can be alienating to the traditional historian who does not necessarily value or wish to embrace digital resources. History in the Digital Age takes a more conceptual look at how the digital age is affecting the field of history for both scholars and students.
Distant Horizons: Digital Evidence and Literary Change ~ Alan Liu, author of Friending the Past: The Sense of History in the Digital Age “ Distant Horizons is of compelling interest to digital humanists. But its true audience is a wider society of literary and other humanities scholars spanning across fields, periods, approaches, and levels.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - Princeton University ~ 1.2 Welcome to the digital age The digital age is everywhere, it’s growing, and it changes what is possible for researchers. The central premise of this book is that the digital age creates new op-portunities for social research. Researchers can now observe behavior, ask questions, run experiments, and collaborate in ways that were simply im .
Writing History in the Digital Age on JSTOR ~ Book Description: Writing History in the Digital Agebegan as a "what-if" experiment by posing a question: How have Internet technologies influenced how historians think, teach, author, and publish?To illustrate their answer, the contributors agreed to share the stages of their book-in-progress as it was constructed on the public web.
Teaching History in the Digital Age on JSTOR ~ Book Description: Although many humanities scholars have been talking and writing about the transition to the digital age for more than a decade, only in the last few years have we seen a convergence of the factors that make this transition possible: the spread of sufficient infrastructure on campuses, the creation of truly massive databases of humanities content, and a generation of students .
Project MUSE - Teaching History in the Digital Age ~ Buy This Book in Print. summary. Although many humanities scholars have been talking and writing about the transition to the digital age for more than a decade, only in the last few years have we seen a convergence of the factors that make this transition possible: the spread of sufficient infrastructure on campuses, the creation of truly .
Album of the years: can photo albums survive the digital age? ~ Many of the albums included here are testaments to the art and craft of personalised book-making, one-offs that seem almost anachronistic in the age of the download and the hard drive.
What is the History of Books? / Archaeology of Reading ~ The history of the book has its roots in bibliography, librarianship, and the intersections of social, cultural, and material history. It has emerged in recent decades as an academic discipline with its own undergraduate and postgraduate university courses, scholarly journals, monographic series, conferences, and research centers. It is methodologically diverse and interdisciplinary, situated .
Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and ~ Finally, the book provides basic guidance for ensuring that the digital history the reader creates will not disappear in a few years. Throughout, Digital History maintains a realistic sense of the advantages and disadvantages of putting historical documents, interpretations, and discussions online.
The American Scholar: Reading in a Digital Age - Sven Birkerts ~ This research advances hand in hand with the wholesale implementation and steady expansion of the externalized neural network: the digitizing of almost every sphere of human activity. Long past being a mere arriving technology, the digital is at this point ensconced as a paradigm, fully saturating our ordinary language.
#35. A Summary of ‘The New Digital Age: Reshaping the ~ What follows is a full executive summary of The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen.. PART I: THE NEW DIGITAL AGE ON THE DOMESTIC FRONT. 1. Increased Efficiency in Our Daily Routines. Beginning on the home-front, the authors argue that the new digital age promises to usher in a world of impressive efficiencies.
The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age ~ The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age An e-book veteran looks at the past, present, and future of the business. John Siracusa - Feb 2, 2009 5:30 am UTC
History & Evolution of Books - Video & Lesson Transcript ~ As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 79,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed.
Making Sense of Oral History – Oral History in the Digital Age ~ Making Sense of Oral History offers a place for students and teachers to begin working with oral history interviews as historical evidence. Written by Linda Shopes, this guide presents an overview of oral history and ways historians use it, tips on what questions to ask when reading or listening to oral history interviews, a sample .
Being Digital - Wikipedia ~ Being Digital is a non-fiction book about digital technologies and their possible future by technology author, Nicholas Negroponte.It was originally published in January 1995 by Alfred A. Knopf.. In 1995, Nicholas Negroponte outlines the history of digital technologies in his book, Being Digital.Along with the general history, he also predicts possibilities for the future of these technologies .
Nostalgia in the Age of Social Media: Identity, Meaning ~ [This talk was originally given at Upont on March 14th, 2017 under the working title “Nostalgia in the Age of Social Media: Identity as Artifact” and again on May 8th, 2017 at re:publica .
A Sense of History: The Best Writing from the Pages of ~ In this fascinating book, the editors of "American Heritage" have combed through every issue to find the most entertaining and illuminating pieces. The result--by turns stirring, moving, funny, evocative, horrifying--is an unusually revealing informal history of American civilization from the first settlements to the close of the 20th century.
Reading in the Age of Distraction - Law & Liberty ~ Book reading, Nicholas Carr famously admitted in his 2008 Atlantic piece, is no longer possible for the many now ex-bookworms who are residents of the digital age. We are peering over the precipice of a post-literary, digital age, wherein the future of books is uncertain .
Hermeneutics of Data and Historical Writing (Gibbs & Owens ~ Comments by Tim Sherratt and Bethany Nowviskie on “The Hermeneutics of Data and Historical Writing,” Writing History in the Digital Age, web-book edition, Fall 2011. Julia Flanders, “Data and Wisdom: Electronic Editing and the Quantification of Knowledge,” Literary and Linguistic Computing 24.1 (2009): 53-62.
Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of ~ Courtney Lynch ITS 650 27 June 2011 Book Chat Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives John Palfrey and Urs Gasser There are two main passages that stood out the most for me in Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives.The first occurs in the introduction to the book: “There is one thing you know for sure: These kids are different.